Two colleagues of the Department of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, István Németh and Márton Takács, visited the Fraunhofer IWU Institute (Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik; Institute of Machine Tools and Forming Technology).
On the first day the Energy Forum 2023, the closing event of the EU-funded research project GeoUS, was organised. Interesting presentations were held on current issues, new achievements and challenges of energy production and the manufacturing of energy generation and storage devices. On this day, the machine tools and ongoing research projects of IWU were presented to our colleagues.
On the second day, our colleagues participated in the kick-off meeting of the network collaboration called Network 4.0. The aim of the Network 4.0 is to jointly participate in research and development proposal preparations together with the partner institutions from Germany (Fraunhofer IWU), the Czech Republic (University of Ostrava), Slovenia (IMT, Ljubljana), Serbia (University of Belgrade) and Hungary (BME GTT).
The trip was financially supported by the projects Network 4.0 and EPIC*.
*EPIC: Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control, No. EU H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2-739592