Deputy head of department, associate professor
Office: Building T, Room 44/b
Telephone: +36 1 463-2512
Calling hours: contact by e-mail
E-mail: nemeth.istvan
1998 | Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, MSc in Economics |
1991 | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, MSc in Mechanical Engineering |
1985 | Kempelen Farkas Technical Secondary School, Sopron |
2014 – | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Manufacturing Science and Engineering; deputy head of department |
2008 – | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Manufacturing Science and Engineering; associate professor |
2001 – 2008 | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Manufacturing Science and Technology; research associate |
1995 – 2001 | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Production Engineering, Machine design and Automation; researcher, PhD student |
1993 – 1995 | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Manufacturing Engineering; PhD student |
1991 – 1993 | GE Lighting-Tungsram, Department of Quality Assurance; quality assurance engineer |
Study trips, research in abroad
1995 – 2001 | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |
1991 | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA (IAESTE study trip, 10 weeks) |
Scientific degrees
2003 | PhD, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Title of thesis: A CAD Tool for the Preliminary Design of 3-Axis Machine Tools: Synthesis, Analysis and Optimisation; The PhD degree was acknowledged by BME in 2004 |
Prizes, acknowledgements and scholarships
2024 | Commendation of the Rector, BME |
2021 | Gillemot prize for the Hungarian Mechanical Engineers, BME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
2019 | Knight’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit |
2017 | Commendation of the Dean, BME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
1985 | National Competition of Technical Studies, mechanics group, 3rd prize |
Tutorial activity
PhD running: 0
PhD with absolutorium: 3
PhD finished: 2
MSc thesis finished: 56
MSc thesis running: 3
BSc thesis finished: 46
BSc thesis running: 1
TDK finished: 6
2015 – | Member of the Public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, VI. Section of Engineering Sciences, Committee: ‘Material Science and Technology’ |
Very good in English
Passive Dutch – intermediate level examination made in Belgium
Research interest and activities
- Maintenance planning and scheduling of manufacturing machinery.
- Modelling of the reliability and degradation of manufacturing machinery.
- Discrete event simulation of manufacturing systems.
- Design and planning of manufacturing systems (configuration, reconfiguration, analysis and optimisation methods).
- Design of machine tools.
Statistics of publications (according to MTMT):
Total number of publications: 58
Number of Hungarian publications: 9
Number of publications in foreign language: 49
Number of publications with impact factor: 10
Total number of independent citations: 254
Hirsch index: 9
Selected publications:
- Basheer Shaheen, Ádám Kocsis, István Németh: Data-driven failure prediction and RUL estimation of mechanical components using accumulative artificial neural networks, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 119, March 2023, 105749, Available online 26 December 2022,
- György Póka, István Németh: The effect of radial rake angle on chip thickness in the case of face milling, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 234(1-2) pp. 40-51 (2020)
- István Németh, János Püspöki, Andor Bálint Viharos, Levente Zsóka and Benjámin Pirka: Layout configuration, maintenance planning and simulation of AGV based robotic assembly systems, IFAC PapersOnLine 52:(13) pp. 1626-1631 (2019)
- Csaba Haraszkó, István Németh: „DES Configurators for Rapid Virtual Prototyping and Optimisation of Manufacturing Systems”, Periodica Polytechnica – Mechanical Engineering, 59:(3) pp. 143-152 (2015)
- István Németh, János Püspöki, Csaba Haraszkó, Gyula Mátyási, Tibor Nagy, Christopher Freeman, Robin W. Scott, James S. Baldwin: “3D Design Support for Rapid Virtual Prototyping of Manufacturing Systems”, Procedia CIRP, 7: pp. 431-436 (2013)
- Van Brussel, P. Sas, I. Németh, P. De Fonseca, and P. Van den Braembussche: „Towards a mechatronic compiler”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 6:(1) pp. 90-105 (2001)
- Metal-cutting machine tools and industrial robots (BSc; Hungarian course)
- Mechatronic design of CNC systems (BSc; Hungarian course)
- Digital manufacturing (BSc; Hungarian course)
- Cyber-physical manufacturing systems (BSc; Hungarian course)
- Manufacturing (BSc; Hungarian course)
- Manufacturing machinery (MSc; Hungarian course)
- Planning and simulation of manufacturing systems and facilities (MSc; Hungarian course)
- Manufacturing science (MSc, Hungarian course)
- Machine tools and manufacturing systems (BSc; English course)
- Manufacturing (BSc; English course)
- NC machine tools (MSc; English course)
- Machine design and production technology (MSc; English course)
Running projects
Manager of a national research project:
Mesterséges Intelligencia Nemzeti Labor (National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence)
Planned duration: 1 June 2021 – 31 December 2025
Completed projects
Manager of an international innovation project (SMART-GRIP), researcher and manager of 5 completed international research projects (MECOMAT, NEXT, COPERNICO, EASE-R3, PROGRAMS) and 3 national research projects (ADAPTOOL, GINOP FF1, DIGMAN).
Further information on the completed projects.
Updated: 1 March 2025